Other Plastic (PE/PP) Recycling

Comparing to single screw extruder, twin screw extruder have the following advantages for Plastic recycle:

  • Better mixing for different MFI polymer and polymer with filler and fiber.
  • Better degassing for polymer foam
  • Better temperature control and less residence time for engineering plastic
  • Self-cleaning effect make material changes more convenient

Here are several experience about some special plastic recycle:

  • PE Foam Recycle
  • PE Bottle Cap Recycle
  • PP sheet (with 30% glass fiber) Recycle

Índice de contenidos

PE Foam Recycle

Raw material:

Crushed PE foam with size less 25mm and bulk density 200kg/m3


Special force feeder for low bulk density foam
One extra feeder to add the color masterbatch or some virgin PE.
Twin screw extruder with strong vacuum to suck out the volatile.
Strong mixing for different MFI PE.

PE Bottle Cap Recycle


Strong mixing for different MFI PE.
One extra side feeder for feeding CaCO3/Talc powder to get the final product for injection process.

PP sheet (with 30% glass fiber) Recycle

Raw material:

Crushed PP sheet (with 30% glass fiber) with size less 20mm and bulk density 350kg/m3


Strong mixing to cut the fiber into short length.
One extra side feeder for feeding TPE or other polymer to get the final product for sheet process.

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